An evaluation of the cadastral system in Kenya And a strategy for its modernization
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- ': ,ladasfral system in Kenya was established in 1903 to support land alienation for the white
.- ::s who had come into the country in the early part of the 20th Century. In the last hundred
:--s. th€ system has remained more or less the same, where land records are kept in paper
: .:r and majority of operations are carried out on a manual basis. The lack of a modern
. .:-ral system has contributed to problems in land adminishation in the country.
--= ,Jovernment has expressed the need to modernize the cadastral system in order to facilitate
: . --r land administration, support the development of an integrated Land Information
t:".:qement System and a National Spatial Data Infrastructure. However, one persistent
: . - - ninator to these efforts has been the lack of strategies for such modernization.
-" ! srudy set out to contribute to the solution of this problem through the following objectives;
; : -3tion of the current cadastral system in Kenya, identification and analysis of appropriate
'--:,,.logies and strategies for modernization of the cadastral system in Keny4 and testing of
= ; -:rability of the identified technologies and strategies in the cadastral system.
' : \lethods adopted included; administration of standard questionnaires to selected
-. .:...lders, personal interviews, field observations and review of existing literature on cadastre"
-' = rolder involvement in the study consisted of private and public sector Land Surveyors,
- .3rs. Valuers, members of Co-operative organizations, and general users of cadastral
; also carried out field measurements with selected geospatial technologies in selected
- s:res to assess their suitability in cadastral mapping and modelling. These technologies
. - --l: Global Positioning System, high spatial resolution satellite imagery, and Geographical
-,:tion System. Further work involved the development and testing a new cadastral model
' - : - n the Multi-Value Vector Maps approach and Smiths Normalization procedures.
- ' : --lir results from the research are that; the administrative structure is bureaucratic, complex
- - : . .:hly cenftalized; the cadastral processes are equally complex, duplicative and slow; and all
: :Si€d technologies were found suitable for cadastral mapping and modelling, however, the
: i ::;hrology lacks proper guidelines for application and calibration bases.
:r:S of cadastral modelling, it was found that Smiths Normalization and Functional
;-r-r1c! Diagrams automatically produce fully Normalized Tables and successfully query
. - .:iay of multi-parcel ownerships. The study also found out that a hyghbrid of Object- i: -' , database management system is better-suitable for the development of GlS-based
, - - -,.::l databases than typical Relational or Object-Oriented models on their own.
' ': ::-Jy concludes that the main problem with the cadastral system in Kenya is lack of
- - : --.-rtzation and decentralization, and therefore recommends for a complete decentralization -. :Jministrative system and implementation of a comprehensive computerization possibly
- :he der.elopment of a Land Information System.