Copyright Challenges in Digital Libraries in Kenya from the Lens of a Librarian


This chapter examines copyright issues and challenges facing digital libraries with a specific emphasis on Kenya. It covers a number of issues such as the meaning, characteristics and advantages of a digital library; the copyright concept, copyright challenges in the creation of digital libraries such as permissions for digitisation of copyrighted materials; critical issues that influence access and use of electronic information resources such as excessive information protection; as well as lack of or limited knowledge on copyright among users and librarians. Other issues discussed include Digital Rights Management (DRM), access to published works by people with visual disability, and orphan works. The author recommends additional education and training on copyright for librarians and information users; regular updating of the copyright law; copyright law reforms that ensure a balance between copyright restrictions and exceptions; promotion of open access publishing, and development of copyright policies for libraries.


Journal Article


Copyright law,, digital divide,, digital library,, digital rights management,, intellectual freedom
