Harnessing fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies for sustainable development in Africa: a meta-analysis
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Emerald Publishing Limited
Purpose – The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) has changed the way people operate. All sectors of the economy have been affected by this technological advancement. However, little is known of how 4IR technologies are used in Africa. This paper aimed to investigate how 4IR technologies can be harnessed to support sustainable development in Africa. The objectives of the study were to: examine the infometric patterns of research production on 4IR technologies for sustainable development in Africa; explore the perception of 4IR technologies and their potential for sustainable development in Africa; investigate the extent
to which 4IR technologies have been harnessed to support sustainable development in Africa; determine the factors influencing the use of 4IR technologies for sustainable development in Africa; and identify the strategies which can be used to harness 4IR technologies for sustainable development in Africa.
Design/methodology/approach – The study applied a mixed methods research approach. Quantitative data was collected through bibliometrics analysis while qualitative data was collected by use of systematic literature review. Data was collected from Google Scholar using Harzing’s “Publish or Perish” software and
analysed using Microsoft Excel, Notepad, VOSviewer and Atlas.ti and presented using tables, graphs and figures.
Findings – The study retrieved 914 research publications on 4IR and sustainable development in Africa. It emerged that production of research on the subject has increased gradually over the years. The findings reveal that Africa is aware of the potential of 4IR for sustainable development. In fact, it emerged that 4IR
technologies are being used to support education, health services, tourism, e-commerce, records integrity and project management. Some of the factors that inhibit the use of 4IR for sustainable development Africa include lack of relevant policies, low skill levels in 4IR technologies, inadequate infrastructure and lack of stakeholder involvement. This study recommends the development of policies in 4IR, capacity building and upgrading of infrastructures. The findings can be used by governments in Africa to harness 4IR technologies for sustainable development.
Originality/value – The research is original in scope and coverage.
Research Paper
The fourth industrial revolution,, Sustainable development,, Artificial intelligence,, Blockchain,, Africa