Evaluation of Surface Water Runoff from Fly Ash–Stabilized and Nonstabilized Soil Surfaces

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This study evaluated the constituent make up of simulated rainwater runoff from Class C fly ash–stabilized and nonstabilized clay soil using laboratory test pads to assess the potential for impacts to surface water from the use of uncovered fly ash–stabilized soils as potential roadbed material. Recirculated runoff from test pads was sampled and tested during three simulated rainfall events over an 84-day trial period. All samples were analyzed for trace metals. Analytical results from the simulated runoff were screened to identify five indicator parameters in the runoff that were used as the basis for assessing potential environmental effects to surface waters. Runoff water results from fly ash–stabilized test pads for these indicator parameters were compared to water quality benchmarks. Based on the low concentrations measured in runoff relative to applicable criteria, and on the conservative nature of the experimental methods relative to typical field conditions, we concluded that surface runoff from fly ash–stabilized soil would not present significant adverse effects to surface water if used uncovered on low traffic exposed surfaces




Journal of Environmental Engineering Volume 136, Issue 9 (September 2010)