Using QR codes to Promote Information Services and Products in Academic Libraries in Kenya
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A quick response (QR) code is a matrix barcode readable by smart-phones and other mobile phones with cameras. The QR code typically appears as a small white square with black geometric shapes. The information encoded in a QR code can be a URL, a phone number, an SMS message, a V-card, or any text. QR codes use low level but cost-effective technologies which can be applied to support diverse library functions given that virtually all academic library users have mobile phones. The purpose of study which led to this chapter was to explore how QR codes can be used to enhance the access and use of academic library services and products through effective promotion. The specific objectives of the study that generated this chapter were to assess the level of use of QR codes in academic libraries in Kenya; examine the factors which influence the use of QR codes in academic libraries in Kenya; and propose how QR codes can be used to promote the services and products of academic libraries in Kenya. This study applied an exploratory survey design. Primary data was collected from systems librarians in chartered private and public universities in Kenya. Additional data was collected from relevant literature through documentary analysis. This study confirmed that a large number of systems librarians in Kenya are unaware of QR codes technologies. Consequently, only four academic libraries in Kenya are currently using QR codes. The libraries already using QR codes have adopted them because they are portable; can be read using diverse devices; are simple to use; and do not require advanced ICT skills. Academic librarians in Kenya are encouraged to adopt QR codes to support library orientation; promote outreach events; disseminate information about digital spaces from which users can download essential files; create games; and promote library spaces.
Journal Article.
QR Codes,, library promotion,, library marketing,, academic libraries, Kenya.