Access to and Use of ICT's in the Provision of Information to Distance Learners in Kenyan Universities
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The purpose of the study which informs this chapter was to investigate access to and use of ICTs in the provision of information to distance learners at the University of Nairobi (UoN) and Kenyatta University (KU) libraries; and to make recommendations for improvement. The study employed a mixed methods research design. Stratified, purposive and census sampling techniques were alternately used to select key participants namely: distance learners, directorate of distance education, deans of schools and chairmen of departments, university librarians and senior library staff. A sample of 200 distance learners and 56 respondents from the other strata was selected. Data was collected through a semi–structured questionnaire administered to distance learners, semi-structured interviews with the other respondents and documentary review. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The key findings of the study were that: distance learners had limited access to and use of ICTs; they could not access e-resources from the university library remotely; and they experienced challenges in accessing information through ICTs. Distance learners will benefit from this study from improved access to information through ICTs thereby increasing the quality of their education. This study will also inform university libraries in Kenya in general and the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University libraries in particular on improving their information services for distance learners through ICTs.
Access to and Use of ICT's in the Provision of Information to Distance Learners in Kenyan Universities
Distance learners, Information Communication Technologies (ICTs),, Kenya library services,, University Libraries