The metabolism and distribution of [14C‐phenyl]‐ethyl parathion in a tropical soil under field conditions
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The persistence, distribution and metabolism of [l4C‐phenyl]‐ethyl parathion applied to soil columns in an agricultural farm were investigated under tropical field conditions. Volatilization, soil microbial activity, moisture levels and pH were found to influence the persistence, distribution and metabolism of this pesticide in the soil. There was rapid distribution of the pesticide in the soil matrix with time resulting in high levels of bound residues which reduced the overall rate of disappearance of parathion residues from the soil. The soil was slightly acidic but the metabolites, paraoxon, p‐nitrophenol and p‐aminophenol were detected in the soil extracts 7 days after pesticide application. After 72 days, 43.7% of the applied pesticide remained in soil composed of 18.9% extractable and 24.8% bound residues. A mechanism for the metabolism of ethyl parathion in this soil is given.
Phenyl‐UL‐14C]‐ethyl parathion, Dissipation, Distribution and metabolism, Soil, Field conditions
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Volume 69, Issue 3-4, 1999