Global Diffusion of the InternetXIII:Internet Diffusion in Kenya and ItsDeterminants– A Longitudinal Analysis
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This paper assesses Internet diffusion and its determinants in Kenya using the Global Diffusion
of the Internet (GDI) framework. Kenya was selected due to its strategic importance for the
economic progress of the great lakes region of Africa. An understanding of Internet diffusion in
Kenya provides preliminary insight in to how the process might unfold in Eastern Africa.
a majority of users clustered around two major urban centers. There is an indication that across the
sectors of education, commerce, health, and public service, the Internet is being embraced, with
potential for further diffusion. The underlying national Internet connectivity infrastructure is well
established, but skewed in favor of urban centers that have high levels of electricity penetration.
Vibrant competition exists between Internet service providers despite a persistent monopoly in
national fixedlinetelecommunicationsprovision. A few sophisticated applications of the Internet
were found in several sectors.
A snap shot of the state of Internet diffusion in Kenya reflects, on average, good performance
on the various dimensions of the GDI framework. However, this overall picture masks the reality
that the majority of the population, mostly in rural areas, lack access to basic amenities such as
electricity,and hence infrastructure to support the Internet. The trajectory along which the Internet
is diffusing has therefore led to the exclusion of this majority. The critical role that governments
in developing countries play needs to be brought to the fore in order to ensure that the Internet
diffusion trajectory is not left entirely to the commercial sector. The government’s ability to marshal
resources, execute telecommunications regulation, as well as enable change remains pivotal
to ensuring inclusive Internet diffusion.
Diffusion, Internet, Kenya, Africa
The Communicationsofthe Association for Information Systems Volume 23 2008 Article 7