E-Medical Consultation for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperten sion in Pregnancy: an Opportunity to achieve the 5 th Millennium Development Goal in Kenya
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This study sought to establ
ish the challenges that the
Reproductive Health Division (Hi
gh Risk Pregnancy Clinic) at
Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
based in Eldoret city, one of
the two referral hospitals in Kenya, faces in adopting e-medical
consultation as a way of impr
oving maternal healthcare for
patients with hypertension in
pregnancy and reducing maternal
deaths. In this paper, an outline
of the strategies and pillars that
the Clinic needs to adopt to embrace the use of e-medical
consultation for the diagnosis,
treatment and management of
hypertension in pregnancy is pr
esented. The survey conducted established that the division is still lagging behind and has not
adopted the use of e-he
alth, especially in the consultation sessions
between the doctors and patients. The outlined strategies when
implemented will help steer the Reproductive Health Division
(High Risk Pregnancy Clinic) to
wards making healthcare services
available in an efficient and effective way to expectant women
with the condition. The model
could be adopted to extend the
same to less endowed areas around the globe, where specialist:
patient ratio is low.
e-Health, e-Medical Consultation, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), In formation and Communication Technology (ICT