Kamaku, WaweruMwathi, CeciliaKivunge, Bernard2015-05-292015-05-292012American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 2 ; February 2012http://aijcrnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_2_February_2012/18.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1177The I nternational S tandard B ook N umber system (ISBN - 10) which was in operation until 2007 uniquely identified every book published internationally but was later replaced with the ISBN - 13 . The code was had the ability to detect and correct single errors, to detect and correct some transposition errors and also d etect multiple errors. This paper discusses some major limitations in the code and shows how error detection and correction capabilities affected the total dictionary on the code. The paper then shows the great need that lead to the development of the ISBNenCodeDictionaryISBN - 10Error detectionError CorrectionLIMITATIONS IN THE CONVECTIONAL ISBN - 10 CODEArticle