Okwadha, GDO2015-05-262015-05-262010Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental engineeringhttp://gradworks.umi.com/34/16/3416634.htmlhttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1098Some industrial equipment such as electric transformers and capacitors are located in vaults and substations on flat concrete surfaces. Due to accidents, normal routine maintenance or replacements, these equipments may spill oil which may contain PCBs on these surfaces. These spills must be cleaned up in accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) guidelines. Current cleanup operations are abiotic in nature, encompassing both physical and chemical methods. These methods generate enormous amounts of impacted wastewater and solid wastes which have to be disposed of carefully at a cost. In addition, some chemicals used are harmful to both humans and other organisms. Epoxy coatings have been used to encapsulate PCBs on concrete surfaces. However, these coating systems can be ineffective because the adhesion with concrete is easily damaged by elevated temperatures causing failure of the coating systemenBiocontainment of PCBs on flat concrete surfaces and coprecipitation of PCBs and metals in boiler chemical cleaning wastewater by microbial carbonate precipitationThesis