Kamaku, P. WaweruKivunge, BernardWangeci, Cecilia2015-05-292015-05-292012International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 4 No. 3 2012, 159-165http://www.e.ijpam.eu/contents/articles/201200403004.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1182The International Standard Book Number system-13 (ISBN-13 ) is a thirteen digit code which uniquely identifies every book pub lished internationally. The code was formed as an improvement to the ISBN-10 code whic h could detect and correct some errors but could generate fewer code words t hus the great need for expansion. This paper highlights some properties, discuss es major limitations and shows the error detection and correction capabilities in th e code versus the effect the total number of code words that the code can generate.enCodeDictionaryISBN-13Error detectionError correct ionParityON SOME PROPERTIES AND LIMITATIONS IN THE ISBN-13 CODEArticle