Kimanthi, ShadrackKibet, P. LMusyoki, S2015-05-262015-05-262015International Annual Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference 2015 over the world cellular network communication has become an integral part of people’s lives. This has changed how people behave and their demand for connectivity is anywhere and anytime. Understanding the subscriber calling patterns and behaviour is very important when planning for the network resources and carrying out network design. Traffic analysis is carried and is aimed at improving Quality of Service, determining the busy hour, estimating subscriber traffic usage, determining the amount of capacity (channel) required to satisfy a given number of subscribers in a cell or network among other reasons. This paper investigates the telecommunication traffic of a selected region. An analysis of the subscriber calling pattern will be carried out and a solution will be proposed on how to reduce power consumption in the cellular network based on traffic load.enCellular NetworkRadio Network PlanningPower consumptionCommunicationTraffic AnalysisSelf-OrganizingTraffic Analysis in the Reduction of Power Consumption in Cellular Radio Access NetworkArticle