Musyoki, StephenYokoo, KuniyoshiSato, NobuyukiOno, Shoichi2015-05-262015-05-261991International Journal of Electronics Volume 71, Issue 4, 1991 an ideal auto-resonant eniotron oscillator (ARPO), all the electrons are able to give almost all their kinetic energy to an electromagnetic wave, resulting in a conversion efficiency of nearly 100%. However, the electric field strength required to drive a highly efficient interaction is difficult to achieve in an ordinary rectangular or circular waveguide cavity because of the low interaction coupling between electrons and the electromagnetic wave in the cavity. In this aper, we describe our investigation of an ARPO with a magnetron type cavity in lace of that above. In this cavity, the coupling becomes sufficiently strong to confirm experimentally the romising features of an ARPO. Additionally, the experiments should be useful for developing highly efficient medium-power oscillators in the microwave region. Here we resent our rocedure for designing such an experimental tube and our computer simulation results for its operational characteristicsenAuto-resonant eniotron oscillator using a magnetron type cavityArticle